The download showed up on my JW library app. Oops. I distrust WT snooping, the thing is constantly updating. I deleted the whole app
road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
2022-November-Elders Manual--S-147 Announcements!
by Atlantis in2022-november elders manual.
2022-s-147 announcements and reminders2022-jwpub files of the above. or.
2022-November-Elders Manual--S-147 Announcements!
by Atlantis in2022-november elders manual.
2022-s-147 announcements and reminders2022-jwpub files of the above. or.
road to nowhere
Frightening. Are there outlines for the elder schools? Rumour has itcthere are verbal instructions so as tonot incriminate the borg.
Isn’t It A Materialistic, Even Selfish Hope
by BluesBrother inas witnesses we always looked forward to the new world but the talks were more about the incoming king and man’s freedom from oppression.
although we looked forward to the good things ,we recognised that initially things may be hard .
we would have to cope with physical work , and lack of many things we were used to today.
road to nowhere
It took me 2000 years to grow and train oak trees into shapes for that yacht and build it. Then the GB confiscated it for themselves.
Is There Life On Mars?
by LoveUniHateExams inno, i'm not talking about the david bowie song, i'm asking does life exist on mars?.
opportunity rover (the one before the present one) took photos of strange, puffball-like sphericals seemingly sprouting on the martian surface.. these photos aren't conclusive evidence but it is an exciting area to investigate.. .
road to nowhere
I had a friend who cleaned and disinfected space craft. If h e ever goofed covid is already out there.😊
Special Talk in Europe this weekend
by BoogerMan indoes anyone have any info about this, and if it's being transmitted in the uk?.
road to nowhere
Were there contribution boxes?
Kingdom Hall Bomb
by Dr Jekyll inold news but uncle bruce wanted it dug up.... the guardian.
22nd july 1985.. man killed in blast.
at sydney service.. from richard yallop in melbourne.. one man was killed and 70 people were taken to hospital after a bomb exploded yesterday during a jehovah's witnesses service in a kingdom hall in the sydney suburb of lurnea.. the explosion occurred close to the speaker's dais just as mr. david winder, a visiting elder from the sydney suburb of prospect, had begun his address on loyalty to god and the family.
road to nowhere
We had to don coveralls and search under the stage every day at the convention.
What decade or era in human history do you like the most or would have liked to live during?
by Fisherman inin the us, the 60s and 70s was a great time to be alive except for getting drafted if you wanted to be that age.
they were music years, greatest movies, fun, simpler and enjoyable days—also except for the d&ugs.
road to nowhere
History is fascinating. Being USA centric, the expansion years, exploring new areas. 1830s, or cowboy era, 1880s. Am I still 75? Or 25. Same wife? Without modern medicine we would both have died or be severe crippled. Of course I pucture myself as the Marlboro man sans cigarette but probably would be a clodhopper.
NASA: Humans Back to the Moon
by Gerard innasa plans return to moon by 2020
"this vision aims to return humans to the moon, and then to use it as a staging point for a manned mission to mars.
i wonder if jws will be required to canvas those areas too.
road to nowhere
We have hd tv now. It will take a better sound (no sound?) stage to fool us.
WT Style Pacificism
by Sea Breeze inepisode 203 of netflix ... i am a killer looks at the murder of christopher chavez in texas.
christopher chavez was a 22 year old ministerial servant and a born-in son of an jw elder.
after a thursday night meeting and a quick bite to eat afterwards with friends at a local restaurant, he was kidnapped, taken to a gas station and forced to drive his killers around for hours while they were in the back seat.
road to nowhere
Tough spot. I know a gun store with armed staff that was robbed. A group that has the drop on you is hard to counter. Qweeksdraw dont work.
An assumption would be being let go after the ride. Too bad it didn't work. How would you have countered? Bern shot sooner?
When The SHTF.
by Lost in the fog inwe have several non-jdub friends who are busy stockpiling foods and goods for the impending societal collapse.
some are happy enough to be called preppers, others are not, but say that looking at the deteriorating condition of the world that it's only a matter of time before the shtf and they want to be prepared to protect themselves and their families when it happens.. contrast that to the jdubs who are actively telling people that the end of the world is coming, but aren't preparing in a practical way because they have been brainwashed by a "jehovah has always protected his servants" mindset from the gb at hq (who laughingly have no reason to be concerned because they're hoping for a quick getaway up to heaven when the jw 'end of the world' comes!).
the most the average jdub has is a go-bag rucksack in case they have to quickly leave their house in the event of a natural disaster like a flood or a wildfire.. isn't it better to be safe than sorry?
road to nowhere
The jw go bag is to get you to a refugees center only. Then let whomever take care of you. It depends where you live if it will be flood, wind, earthquake, fire. Add in kids away at school, dad at work, traffic gridlocked, cell phones out. Know your neighbors even if not witnesses. Bosnia showed no single man survived, took cooperation and taking lives. The preppers never consider the life expectancy of a grunt soldier. 30 minutes. So that 9 with 5 mags, and your thousand 5.56 are overthought. As for hunting, rats, mice, grasshoppers, worms, and snares, no noise.
In The big deals an old man and woman will not last long anyway. Sayonara. I will have to disable any gun I can not take.